10 Jul 2013
Classroom Seating Under Control!

The Quick Fix to Classroom Seating As a teacher, you know how difficult it can be to control a classroom full of wild, high energy, students, which also makes classroom seating a challenge. I’m sure you’ve noticed that a lot of your desks and chairs have taken a beating over the years as a result.
02 Jul 2013
5 Table Top Ideas for DIY Projects

5 DIY Table Top Ideas: Are you looking for some DIY table top ideas? These are 5 do-it-yourself table top ideas that have inspired me. You can make table tops with just about anything these days, but for my project picks we’re using windows, doors, pallets, stencil, and vintage metal signs! For how-to instructions, just
03 Jun 2013
300 Series Food Grade Stainless Steel Can Benefit Your Kitchen

What’s all the fuss over 300 series food grade stainless steel? Why are so many people demanding it for their kitchen? Stainless steel has not only become a restaurant kitchen “must-have”, but is now a status good that new home buyers demand. 300 series food grade stainless steel has many benefits that help make your
05 Apr 2013
Sedona Series Cabinet or Furniture Legs. Which Leg Suits Your Fancy?

Sedona Series Cabinet or Furniture Legs Have you been looking for a distinctive furniture or cabinet leg? Replacementtablelegs.com offers the Sedona Series cabinet or furniture legs in 8 unique styles that are sure to add some contemporary character to your next DIY furniture or cabinet project. The Sedona Legs are available in a 4” or
18 Mar 2013
Safety Gear for Your Next DIY Project

Avoid turning your DIY project into a hospital visit by wearing the proper safety gear. Safety Gear: Safety Glasses Wear them! They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, but all serve the same basic purpose: to protect your eyes. A lot of people don’t realize that wood dust, debris, and chemicals can send hazardous
24 Feb 2013
How to Build A Simple Desk

How to build a simple desk: As mentioned in our earlier blog, “Table Leg Height Differences For Desk, Counters, and Bars.” table desks are becoming more and more popular, and it just so happens that they are pretty easy to build. Just follow the steps below to learn how to build a table desk. Materials